J.W. Cole Blueprint

The J.W. Cole Blueprint is our proven system that helps Financial Professionals become the best versions of themselves. We’ll help you build a great business, with a clear mission and strong culture. Some of our most-effective tools are highlighted below, but if you’re ready to get started...

Join J.W. Cole

Business Consulting

Our Business Consulting Team is here to help you Build a Better Business by working with you on our 8 Key Focus Areas. We have plenty of tools available to guide you through the Business of being a Financial Professional while allowing you to remain focused on your clients.

8 Key Focus Areas

Business Planning & Strategy

Financial Professionals typically enter the industry because they want to help people, not because they’re eager to be business owners. Have you taken time to work on your business, not just in it?

Teaming & Staffing

There are limits to what a single Financial Professional can do alone. Having a team equipped to handle the smaller details frees you up to focus on the big picture, and the big clients.


Efficiency is essential in every business. Taking advantage of available technology is one of the best ways to streamline your Financial Practice.


It’s difficult to grow your client base if no one knows about your Practice. Word of mouth is one thing, but could you be doing more for your business?

Financial Planning

A good Financial Plan can serve as the roadmap for your client's entire financial future, and nurtures a deeper, more lasting relationship. Are you using all the tools available to you?


How much is your Practice, and your time, worth? Do the returns match your efforts?

Client Experience

How your client feels while doing business with you is just as important as than the actual business being done. Are you and your team putting your best foot forward in all areas?

Practice Acquisition with Exit Planning

You have built an incredible Financial Practice. What happens next? Are you aiming to grow more, or are you starting to consider what happens to your business after you?


Regulatory compliance is a critical part of our industry. It’s what protects your practice and your clients’ assets, so our Compliance team works with you to ensure your success, guiding you and your team through the red tape governing the industry. We’re not here to “catch you” but to protect you.

Kurt Lofgren
Kurt Lofgren

Chief Compliance Officer

Consultative Approach

We’re here to Guide You, not Trap You. Building a compliant practice shouldn’t be tricky.

Seamless Processes

We want Compliance to be easy. With things like rapid Advertising review & approval, we’ll do everything we can to provide smooth integration with your Practice.

Focus on the Risks that Matter

We’re not looking over your shoulder to make sure you dot every 'i', we’re here to bring awareness of anything that could impact you or your practice.

Compliance from the Financial Professional Perspective

You’ll be in direct communication with Compliance Professionals, and we listen. If a policy unreasonably affects our Financial Professionals or their Clients, we’ll address it.


The Financial Industry is built on quality relationships and trust, and we emphasize that in our day-to-day operations. With J.W. Cole you can trust that our Relationship Management Teams are here to support you, whether it’s efficiently processing your paperwork, finding simple answers to complicated questions, or simply having a real person on the other side of the phone whenever you call.

Taylor Savka
Taylor Savka

Vice President of Operations

Products & Technology


Effectively communicating in today’s rapid-paced business environment means using more than just words. Video is a powerful tool for connecting with your clients in a way that is engaging and memorable. J.W. Cole is partnered with BombBomb, a fast, easy to use video-message service that keeps you in front of your clients.


Texting is often far easier than playing phone tag, but in the Financial Industry it comes with a lot of red tape. MyRepChat allows Financial Professionals to easily text clients while staying Industry-Compliant


The primary goal for every financial advisor is to find the right investments for each client. J.W. Cole provides access to a variety of options that allow you to meet even the most-complex investment needs.

  • Mutual Funds
  • Exchange Traded Funds
  • Variable Annuities
  • Fixed & Index Annuities
  • Life Insurance
  • Alternative Investments


Technology can be one of the biggest differentiators between Financial Practices. Having reliable tools at your disposal for day-to-day operations as well as for more complex Financial Planning is essential in caring for your clients’ needs.

  • Client Relationship Managers
  • Financial Planning Software
  • Wealth Reporting & Aggregation
  • Practice Management Solutions
  • Client Communication

Ready to Transform your Business?